About Inspiritual

Inspiritual is a space for all those who come ready to look within and engage in a time of spiritual exploration and transformation.  All are welcome!

What Makes Us Unique? 

At Inspiritual, we start with your story
Each of our lives is a story.  Your story is about you, about what you believe, about the world you live in, about all that you have experienced and all that is yet to come.  It is a story about what you know and what you have yet to understand.

At Inspiritual, we seek the spiritual in everyday life
Each day is filled with the opportunities for teachable moments.  Together we will journey together learning from the arts, film, prose, poetry, meditations, and everyday experiences. 

At Inspiritual, we fuse traditions and beliefs
At Inspiritual, we see spiritual formation as a fusion of the esoteric wisdom of the world's ancient spiritual traditions, with innovative writings and wisdoms of today. Through the movement beyond artificial boundaries, we grow in our understanding of ourselves, of the Infinite, and of the world in which we live.

Our Approach

  • To listen to and honor individual, communal and spiritual stories.

  • To recognize that one's entire life is an ongoing revelation of the Infinite Presence.

  • To honor and value the process.  It is all about the journey, not how long it takes to get      there.

  • To blend ancient and modern spiritual wisdoms.

  • To draw upon the expressive and creative arts to grow in our understanding of the Infinite.

  • To move towards a way of  being in the world which is about love, grace, and compassion.

The most basic and powerful way to connect to another person is to listen. Just listen. Perhaps the most important thing we ever give each other is our attention."
—Rachel Naomi Remen


About Me

Picking a person to be your spiritual companion or partner is a deeply personal decision.  So let me tell you a little bit about myself. 

I have been on a journey of my own which ultimately brought me to this space. My own spiritual disciplines and practices led me to start Inspiritual.

My understanding of spirit has been an inward journey. I was raised Jewish, then involved myself in various Christian traditions.   Currently, I find myself increasingly immersed in the teachings of spiritual writers from a diversity of traditions, ancient and modern. 

While I am familiar with Jewish and Christian traditions, I am most interested in esoteric traditions, ancient wisdoms, and the use of arts in spiritual formation such as storytelling, mandalas, finger painting, soul collages, and writing.

I did my formal theological trainingwhile working on my M. Div atColgate Rochester Crozer Divinity. However, it is through the time I spend with my Higher Power through prayer, meditation, journaling, poetry, reading, and writing that I have moved to deeper levels in my own spiritual journey.  It is through these practices that I came to understand and accept my call to help others develop a deeper relationship with their authentic selves and their Higher Power.

While I have worked to evolve to where I am in my own journey, I am also mindful that it is never over. I am consistently working on my own spiritual evolution.  My personal spiritual disciplines include writing and other expressive arts, reading, angel and oracle cards, meditation, cooking, and prayer. While cooking may seem as if it does not belong in this list, it for me, is an important part of my spiritual journey as it provides me with the daily opportunities to both feed and serve others. It is also one of the practices that led to my also becoming a Pampered Chef consultant and allows me to share that gift with others. Periodically I may share some of the cooking tools, training, recipes and tips from Pampered Chef with you here on this blog! You can check out what Pampered Chef has to offer on my Pampered Chef website http://pamperedchef.biz/sharonjacobson

If you are ready to look within and develop a deeper relationship with yourself and your Higher Power, I invite you to begin your inward journey with me at Inspiritual. 

Rev Dr. Sharon Jacobson

"You will know when it is time...to birth the new creation. The signs will be all around you, urging, insisting: now is the time.
—Miriam Therese Winter