Week 8, Day 1 – Forgiveness

The choices for today were:

1.                  Spiritual acceptance means asking hard questions about our own behavior. How often have you acted with less compassion when you were out of sorts? List those to whom you own amends. Write what you would say. Take a chance to change your energy and possibly the relationships and write or tell that person.

2.                  How do you see yourself? Write down nouns as fast as you can that describe you. Dialogue with your wise person or a teacher and see how the wise one sees you. What’s the difference? Write down some affirmations to affirm your own true self.

3.                  For one week, write down the first thoughts you have in the morning, especially noting if you have anything unresolved with another or are holding any grudge. Each morning, write a prayer to help your spirit live with the concerns and not just your ego. Or just let the spirit write a response to your morning thoughts.

4.                  Write a thank you letter to yourself for all your contributions.

Hmm. The one that really is speaking to me the most is #3. So I guess I will be coming back to this entry for the next week. Isn’t that kind of like life – a work in progressJ? So this morning my first thought was how I just wanted to make it to the bathroom on time and then when I did I was angry because I realized I was having my first period in over a year. I thought I was through with this part of my life. Not really holding any grudges this morning and am at a space where the one thing in my life which is unresolved, well I know in time it is going to be resolved. So that is a good thing. I can live with knowing it is all going to be ok. I think it helped that I have clarification from CDR about what they will do for me as an individual and how I can work to get others involved systemically.

So let me take just a moment to pray before I get started with my day.

Infinite Presence, I come to you this morning thanking you for the peace in my heart and in my soul. I know that while I am not happy about some of the things that are in flux right now, I am at peace knowing that all is going according to your will. I know this is not happening to me, but for me. I give thanks for these times because I know it is part of my call and it is about you helping me to move to that next level spiritually.  I thank you for all those in my life who have encircled me with love and support. Bless them for their love and kindness. And please bless those involved with Liftline that they might remember that every decision they make as an organization has a direct effect on hundreds and thousands of people in our community. May they remember they are not just a transportation organization, they are a human services organization, and that people with disabilities are people too. Help us to remember that we are all part of one body and that none of us is indispensable. And as I go through this day God, help me to be at peace and even be at peace with this unexpected arrival of yet another period. I know that even in this, there must be a blessing to come and so I give thanks. Amen.

Thursday, February 03, 2011

My morning thoughts this morning. Hmm – God let me make it to the bathroom on time, one more time. Thank you for waking me up this morning. I have much to do today, but I know that through you I will accomplish all that I have before me. I am excited about this new FB routine I have started of giving thanks each day to my FB friends and family who touch my life. I like the idea of sharing the love. Love begets love begets love. Other morning thoughts. Hmm, it is cold and I still hate periods. Hopefully it will be like it was the last time I had one and be gone tomorrow as well. Like the idea of being able to intentionally start the day with a written word of prayer. I like the idea of making sure that I start the day on a positive note.

Infinite Presence, I just want to thank you for waking me up this morning. One more time. I know that somewhere this did not happen for someone else. I am grateful for the covers that kept me warm last night. I am grateful for all those who love me and touch my heart. May I continue to remember to be counter cultural in my way of being. May I continue to replace anger with kindness, hate with love, and frustration with peace. May I continue to be a messenger of love in all that I say and do. Amen.