Size Matters
Size matters.
It is so easy for me to overlook
a behavior or action because
it didn’t appear to be a big deal.
Positive or negative, size matters.
Those little tiny acts of kindness
may not seem like a big deal,
but over time they build
something greater then
they may appear on their own.
It may not seem like a big deal
when someone opens the door for me,
or smiles at me,
or in some way, shape or form
acknowledges my presence.
The size of those actions may not seem important,
but overall they create a positive flow of energy
which flows into and through my existence.
They help strengthen me
and motivate me
in good times and bad.
Conversely, people’s negativity
may seem inconsequential,
but it only takes one match to
contribute to a five alarm fire.
it just takes one unkind word
to ruin a reputation.
It just takes the faith of a mustard seed
to move mountains.
Trees grow from seeds.
Movements grow from a single action.
May we keep collecting the positives
and enjoying their cumulative effect.
Conversely, people can die from a little poison.
People lose limbs from a small wound,
Reputations can be ruined by a single sentence.
All sizes matter
because they all have an impact on the world.
May we be mindful of the smallest of negatives
and address them before their cumulative effect
creates harm.
Size matters,
so let’s pay attention to all of it,
tiny and large.
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