Making A Difference
I haven’t had a television for a while,
but I still remember HGTV saying
change starts at home.
Each day I think about how I can
make a difference
in my own life,
in my home,
in my neighborhood,
in my county,
in my state,
in my country, and
in the world.
I remember that change
has a trickle down effect and
everything I do
makes a difference.
When I focus on being a better person,
I am making a difference
in the world,
by raising the vibrational frequency,
by radiating love, light, and positive energy,
and serving the Ultimate
in ways which transcend measurement.
It is not the magnitude,
but that each day I strive to
make a difference
and do something to make it
on earth as it is heaven.
100% our donations go to support our ability to provide low and no cost offerings to those seeking to grow and evolve spiritually.