Vices are gifts for our journey,
we just have not figured out
how they can help us grow.
We all have vices in our lives,
which we may feel are undesirable
like greed,
and laziness.
But they can also be blessings.
The greedy person can benefit themselves and others
by focusing on a group’s tasks and goals
Anger can be motivation
to bring about change.
Lust is what often draws us towards someone,
but can also keep the flames alive.
Envy can inspire us to change
our habits and priorities.
Gluttony can lead to
greater life satisfaction.
Pride can lead us to care about
how we see ourselves and
how others see us.
As a result, pride can make us
more compassionate.
Laziness can help us be more productive,
because we focus on doing one thing well
instead of multi-tasking.
It is not about the vices in our lives,
but how we use them.
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