Step away from the kitchen!

I recently got an email from someone asking me why I had not written about my spiritual cooking adventures this week. So to those of you who have been wondering why I have not written; there is a simple explanation. I have been sick for the last 10 days. I won’t go into detail, but suffice it to say that the only thing I was cooking in my kitchen was tea and toast. Those seemed to be the two things I could keep in my stomach. So while my heart would have liked to have been continuing on my zucchini adventures, my body was not willing. Zoë, much to her excitement I think, was left to eat anything she could order in, microwave, toast, or get through the local drive through. While being sick was not fun and taking a break from the kitchen was not what I had in store, my time resting reminded me of the importance of taking a Sabbath.
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