The Eternal Words spoken

Never fade or pass away

As the Spirit of the Lord moves on,

Creative power from the Sovereign Throne of God

Expands and then the Universe expands;

Just as the Holy Spirit moved over the Earth

And the waters that stirred in darkness

Incubated, waited

Lifeless and undefined

Then, suddenly grew more clear when the Father willed

And His Son spoke and acted,

Most Beautiful Creation below the Third Heaven was revealed!

Things too great to fully know

Far beyond all human grasp of understanding,

The natural mind so limited

Set apart from true Wisdom in a weak hold on reality,

By itself, spiritually dead;

But then the Father draws a man, a woman to Himself

Kingdom children through His Son and His Cross

And the Redeemer carries another child before the Throne of Justice,

Lovingkindness flows out freely in Truth

Washes and covers this new creation,

As the Shepherd goes forth

Guides His sheep in Holy Spirit counsel of the Flock

Even remnant Israel His inheritance;

The most powerful Spirit of revelation

Pierces the heart and soul

Enlightens the mind and human spirit,

The Breath of Heaven plucks out another one from death itself

In human spirit rebirth!

These many live out their lives of faith on earth

And are finally lifted up by angels

To appear at last as living sacrifices of worship

In praise and thanksgiving before the God of Love

Our only Trust, the God of our life.

            https://garybertnick.wordpress .com