Humility before God;

One heartbeat, one breath away,

In a moment, in a lifetime.

The plans of a man's heart soar high

But the secrets of the heart are already known

Nothing hidden from God's sight

Everything clearly laid bare

All thoughts and motives

Ambitions and desires

Dreams of friendship and success,

Wealth in this world

Even a measure of fame in entertained selfish envy.

To walk a path of true peace

In lasting satisfaction

With a good sense of fulfillment,

True wisdom must be blended purely with understanding;

How fragile a life,

How delicate a human existence

Fleeting as the natural beauty of a woman's form

And the strength of a man in youth

Maybe as an athlete

Or even as a simple farmer,

Strong hands that once grasped tools

Now weary and arthritic.

The day passes quickly

Days flow as a rushing stgream

Years sail off into the migrant skies of a large flock of geese;

Human life in the body "as but a breath"

Simply as a breath, a vapor

Inhaled and exhaled, 

Then suddenly the heart stops beating.

"A man in his pomp, without God, without understanding

Is like an animal, a beast that perishes."