To always believe

Though surrounded in an atmosphere of doubt,

Truth always more powerful

And gripping the heart with Divine strength,

The mind battles for pure and clean honest thoughts

While the winds of deceit and perversion move constantly about,

Sometimes in a roar

Sometimes in a whisper

The war on the mind rages forth!

Holy Words always a much sharper sword

Common thoughts in daily languages fall to the ground

As Scripture quoted and meditated upon surges steadfastly forward

From the very beginning the "Evil One" was crushed beneath the omnipotent heal,

Prophetic Words long ago fulfilled!

Authority of the Name above all written on our foreheads

More than tablets, inscribed on our hearts;

Inner knowledge has already surpassed simple belief

As faith in Messiah's power grows and matures in deepening Peace

Love reaches out with broader, longer touches in tenderness

Caring as our Shepherd, rich kindness and gentleness flow,

Wisdom rises within, wings of brilliance

As we begin to see as He sees;

Belief in Yeshua as an early seed

Has already grown more than expected,

More than even prayed for!