Stop Sleepwalking and Wake Up

A few posts ago, I wrote about how we needed to stop hitting the snooze alarm in our lives.   See the problem with not waking up; the problem with hitting that snooze alarm is that we think it only affects us.  It doesn’t.  See as long as we are hitting the snooze alarm in our lives, then we are not involved.  We are not involved in our own lives, in our own liberation, in our relationships with others, in our relationship with our Higher Power or our relationship with the world.  See as long as we are hitting the snooze alarm, we avoid thinking about how the world depends on each of us to wake up.

Wake up!  Being awake means more than just getting out of bed and not hitting the snooze alarm.  Some of us just walk in our sleep.  We need to stop sleep walking on our faith walk.  Because once we really wake up, once we really get involved with our journey, then we really begin to get involved with life.  Once you get involved in the lives of those around you, then you begin to understand that the world is dependent on you waking up.  The world is dependent on you waking up in the fullness of who created you to be.  Our community, our city, our state, our country, our nation, our world needs for each of us to wake up and operate fully in the society in which we live.  We need to stop hitting the snooze alarm of apathy and get involved in helping society to move forward.  

Wake up!  Stop hitting the snooze alarms in your life and go shower in the agape love that the Infinite Presence asks us to embody.  That unconditional love that we are called to have for each other.  that unconditional love of the Infinite Presence operating in your human heart.  Allow the Infinite Presence to bring out the best in you.  Wake up!  Allow others to see the the Infinite Presence in you.

Wake up!  It is time to stop hitting the snooze alarm and wake up to the fullness of who the Infinite Presence created you to be and operate fully in the society in which we live.  It is time for each of us to unlock our gifts, our beauty, our intelligence, and the capacity that is within each of us.  See until we unlock our hidden potential, we are hitting the snooze alarm on becoming all of what the Infinite Presence created us to be.  So stop hitting the snooze alarm.  We have to stop struggling to stay in the bed of this culture.  We have to start making the best of every opportunity that the Infinite Presence blesses us with.  We have to stop hitting the snooze alarm of carelessness and wake up to the Infinite Presence’s alarm of unconditional love and transformation.

Wake up!  It is time for us to stop hitting the snooze alarm on our personal growth and wake up to your own spiritual evolution.  You want this world to be a better place, then wake up!  You want this country to be a better country, then wake up!  You want the state you live in to be a better state, then wake up!  You want the county you live in, to be a better county, then wake up!  You want the city you live in to be a better city, then wake up!  Wake up and start walking in the fullness of who the Infinite Presence has called you to become.   

See your being awake is going to have an impact on the world.  I can’t wake you up if I am not awake.  I can’t help you with your liberation until I have liberated myself.  We can’t help pull society forward, until we have pulled ourselves forward. 

Wake up!  It is time to climb out of our spiritual coffins of cultural conformity and let the Infinite Presence lead us into the light, into a higher place of praise, into a state of personal transformation.  See when you are hitting the snooze alarm on the Infinite Presence, you are hitting the snooze alarm on any insights or revelations that the Infinite Presence might have so you can have a better sense of who the Infinite Presence created you to be.  When you hit the snooze alarm, you are limiting more than just your life.  You are limiting your creativity and your opportunities to be of service.

Wake up!  Wake up to the Infinite Presence who loves you unconditionally.  Wake up to the Infinite Presence who is trying to transform you from the inside out.  Wake up to the Infinite Presence who is trying to get you to do everything carefully and prayerfully.  Wake up believing that you are worthy of being loved. 

Wake up believing that the Infinite Presence loves you just as you are. 

Wake up knowing that the Infinite Presence is about transforming everything in our being so that our belief in and our behaviors before the Infinite Presence are one.  Wake up to the belief that the Infinite Presence loves us just as we are.  Wake up to the understanding that the Infinite Presence is love and that the Infinite Presence’s love is for everyone.  Wake up to the understanding that we are the beloved.  Wake up with a willingness to open yourselves up to new insights and revelations about who we are and who the Infinite Presence created us to be. 

When we wake up to new revelations about who the Infinite Presence created us to be, then we also waken our imagination.  We know longer hit the snooze alarm on possibilities for our live, but respond more creatively to doing the Infinite Presence’s work in this world.  We no longer see limited options for our life, but understand that there are possibilities that we have yet to imagine.  Wake up to the endless opportunities of being of service to the Infinite Presence and the Infinite Presence’s people.  It is time to stop hitting the snooze alarm on our lives and start responding to the alarm clock of the Infinite Presence telling you to wake up.  Wake up to a season of personal, social, and spiritual liberation.  Wake up!