Growing up, I remember my Bubby (Yiddish for grandmother), reminding me that there was a lesson hidden in everything I felt. Her advice was to accept the feeling and seek out the gift. This was true regardless of whether it was sadness, happiness, or something in between. She taught me to understand and see what I was feeling within the broader context of life. This was a lesson she taught me a few ways. One day, when I was sad she gave me a pinch of salt to eat. I remember needing to rinse my mouth out with water, for what seemed like forever. I had tried to spit it out; however, she would not let me. Later, she took the same amount of salt, sprinkled it on a burger, and had me eat it. As part of the burger, it tasted amazing and seemed to make the burger taste better. This lesson reminded me that everything is part of something bigger then what it appears to be.
I call this “game” my Bubby taught me, accept and seek. You accept what you are feeling and seek out the gifts and blessings. This little game is easy to do with emotions like joy, happiness, peace, etc. however, some might find it a bit more challenging to do with feelings like anger, sadness, bitterness, etc. However, when we seek out the gifts and blessings, then we can give thanks in all circumstances, not just the good ones.
On those days when I was having trouble seeking the blessing or the gift, my Bubby would encourage me to look for the answer in unique ways. She told me that sometimes the answer was hidden in books, music, art, nature, etc. So she would tell me to listen to something different, read a book I had not read before, look at a picture I had not looked at before, or go lay somewhere in the yard where I had not gone before. By pushing me out of my comfort zone, she helped me to sprinkle what I was feeling on to whatever this new thing was and before I realized it that feeling, if negative, was gone and I was excited about the new something I had found.
So whatever you are feeling today, accept it and seek out the blessings.