So often, especially as adults, we forget to take time to play. We get so consumed in the seriousness of life. So I thought I would share some ideas about how to let go and play.
- Forget what you look like 'in public.' I am not saying go out without clothes or in clothes you have worn for several days in a row, but don’t always be concerned about how you look. Seriously, who cares.
- Wear clothes that are comfortable and shoes with which you could easily kick a ball.
- Keep toys and books around you that lighten you up. I have a website bookmarked that plays Pharrell Williams Happy for 24 hours.
- Watch movies that make your stomach ache with laughter. My favorite is Norbet, but there are lots of movies that make you laugh.
- Spend time with friends that know how to play.
- Periodically forget to get 'serious stuff' done.
- Lie down in the sun, the grass, or the snow, with a friend who giggles.
- Do something spontaneously that makes you laugh or happy
- Listen to music with friends and dance.
- Keep sidewalk chalk in your car or backpack and use them.
- Be willing to be silly.'
- Offer to babysit, so you have an excuse to play
- Get together with friends just to play.
- Pretend, laugh, and enjoy life.!
Who wants to play with me this month?