Let it go.
That is what I hear
Words from a teacher
The reminder to release
To stop accelerating the negativity
To interrupt the flow of energy
To just let it go
Step on the brake
Let it go
Just sit in the joy
So I sit in it and
I keep releasing that
Which attempts to steal my joy
Let it go.
Let go of the expectations
Let go of the fear
Let go of the frustration
Let go of all things which obstruct my joy
Let it go
I have to let it go
Or I sit in anger
I sit in frustration
I set in everything
I do not want to sit in
So this moment and all others
I let it go
I let it go
So I can sit in the joy
I let it go
So the obstructions are gone
I let it go
So I control my responses
I let it go.