i woke up this morning
thinking about the person
who said I was nagging her
even though it was not my intent.
Sometimes we hurt people
whether we intend to or not.
Regardless the damage is the same.
Today I apologize because
I regret anytime I hurt someone
intentionally or not.
I apologize to all those I have hurt
and never knew I hurt.
I apologize for anything
and everything I have done
which has bought about
harm to anyone in my life.
I apologize to myself
for all the times I did not treat
my mind, body or soul
with the utmost respect.
I apologize to myself for the times
I did not stand up and speak out
when others were trying to harm me
I apologize to the world
for all the times I did not cry,
did not pray
and did not contribute to the healing
over global atrocities
if you are reading this
and I have hurt you
or you have been hurt
I apologize and pray
for your healing