What a Ride
It was Gail Ricciuti
my favorite seminary professor,
who shared this Hunter S. Thompson quote
“Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming, “Wow what a ride!”
Can you say that?
Life is like a roller coaster
it is filled with ups and downs.
it is not about the ride
but the journey.
It is about learning from the downs
as they are what helps us get to and appreciate the ups.
If we are living our spiritual life to its fullest,
we experience our share of bumps and bruises.
Often it is in the losses,
the trials,
the challenges, and
the obstacles
that we learn how to
become an overcomer.
It is through the times others have said,
I am not sure how you survived that,
that I give thanks for the chance to learn
just how strong I am.
It is through the losses,
that I have learned
just how wealthy and blessed I am.
My journey,
and I am sure most of yours,
has not been easy.
Yet I hope you can join me
in celebrating and shouting
WOW! What a ride!!!
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