La Confidence
Have you ever seen an image
that transfixed you,
drew you in to a space
you could not seem to leave.
A piece of art that
that had such a powerful effect
on your soul
that decades later
you still remember that feeling.
It was the day I walked into the Museum of Art
at the University of Georgia
and stood before this painting
that was as tall as I am short
and literally took my breath away.
As I stared at these two women
whispering secrets to each other
I could see the blood moving through their veins.
I could hear them breathing.
I could feel the bond they shared.
I was not looking at an image.
I was in the garden with them
and had accidentally entered into this moment.
Art, is transformative.
It takes the pain and hurt in the world
and brings it to life in a way
that draws one in
and allows one to experience the Divine
in undescribable ways.
Whether is it paintings, sculptures, film, prose, poetry,
or other art form,
it has the potential to draw you in
and reveal to you
the presence of the Ultimate
in the unexpected.
100% of God our donations go to support our ability to provide low and no cost offerings to those seeking to grow and evolve spiritually.