As my online classes begin again this semester,
I am reminded how much of my teaching is tongueless.
or if it even is.
It made me question
how much of my learning is tongueless?
Who are my tongueless teachers?
What am I learning in the silent moments of my life?
Who am I a tongueless teacher too?
We are so dependent on words to teach.
What am I teaching by my mere presence?
Does my spiritual presence exude the presence
of the Ultimate?
Does us just being together teach something
to each other
beyond the conversation we are having?
What do we learn by just
watching each other?
As I reflect back on my life
I can remember my tongueless teachers
and I wonder who have I been
a tongueless teacher for in theirs.
Am I mindful of all the ways
and spaces
in which I am a
tongueless teacher?
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