I have always been a crackfinder.
My major professor used to say that about me.
She said I found ways of seeing the people
society had pushed between the cracks.
Matthew Fox taught me to look in the cracks
and see the beauty that grows within them.
Spending time seeing the beauty in the cracks
reminded me of those who lived below the surface
like in Beauty and the Beast.
What makes people beautiful
is not how they look on the outside,
but what is adorning the inside
and all the things in life that have
created cracks,
which bring their inner beauty and brilliance
to the surface.
What if we each became crackfinders
and looked for the beauty in everyone we meet.
The beauty in life is everywhere.
We can see it in the cracks and that which grows within it.
It is in the color of the flowers
and the leaves
and the smell of freshly cut grass
and all the things which scream out at you
and say I am a gift from the Divine
just letting you know I am here
hidden in a crack only you can see.
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