Growing up there was one thing,
well several, I could not say.
One was that I was bored.
My parents taught me that
everything is interesting.
if I thought it was boring,
I just had not spent enough time with it.
Nothing is boring.
This is a lesson that has gotten me through
years of education,
books which did not initially speak to me,
professors whose style did not initially appeal to me.
Boredom was about me
not digging deep enough,
spending enough time with it
not having yet discovered its gifts
and all that it had to offer.
Today, when I feel something is boring,
I remember my early lessons and
spend more time with it,
continuing to get to know it,
explore it,
seeking out its gifts,
and that which, like us
makes us special.
Do I do this with everything,
sadly no
However, I am left wondering
what did I miss because
I was not willing to move
beyond boring