it’s all about the journey.
Gosh, I hate when you say that, she said
How do you find it to begin with?
That was her question back to me.
I stopped, thought, reflected and
talked about the journey.
it’s not that there is A journey or
a right way to embark on it.
We each have our own journey,
own own path to the inner sacred self,
that inner sanctum
waiting to have the breath of the Ultimate
washed over it.
it is about learning to listen
to see,
to hear,
to sense,
to find and recognize
what is speaking to us.
There is not a right guide
or an everlasting one.
It’s about listening to
the wisdom which comes to us from
and any other form
the invisible may take
to walk with us
on our journey
to the sacred space within
where we open ourselves up
to the movement of
the One