I remember driving up to Nora’s Mill
to get stone ground grits at a time
when I didn’t know what they were.
I just knew they tasted so good,
especially with cheese and jalapenos mixed in.
To this day I still love grits and made the same way.
My wife reminds me that not all grits are the same.
She likes them white and I like them yellow.
She likes them commercially ground and I like the stone ground.
Beyond all the difference though grits are the same,
ground corn.
I was sitting there thinking about making grits
when I began thinking about not only the grits
but the word.
Grits is not just about what you serve with
whatever you enjoy eating with it.
Having grits is about having
the inner desire, drive, and tenacity
to achieve your goals and dreams.
you might experience times you are ground down
finer then others,
but the inner grit that lives within you
will bring you through
and cook in the experiences of life
to bring you to the consistency, texture, and flavor
you were created to be.
In part this happens because of you
and what lives within you and in part
because the Ultimate keeps stirring you
knowing together you will produce
grits that show what lives within you
and shine through you and let your
true grit shine.
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