The work is not in my reading.
The work begins when
I am done.
When I sit with the ideas,
reflect on them,
decide on whether or not
to let them in my heart
and nurture me
The work begins when
I put the book down.
When I reflect on the ideas,
the teachings,
the gifts,
and the inspiration.
It doesn’t matter if it is
fiction or non fiction,
sacred or secular,
academic or non-academic,
there is something for me
to think about
and thus the work begins
when my eyes are done.
That is when my heart works.
Sometimes it is about what grade
most reflects what my student
attempted to show me.
Sometimes the work is for me;
it is about me releasing a belief,
changing a behavior,
being willing to grow and evolve.
Even as I read my own work,
the work begins
when my eyes are done
and I open my heart
and continue the journey.