My Process Journal

The process journal is to be a space for mental and emotional clearing. It is a space to write my insights throughout this journey.

So today I began this spiritual journey to a deeper relationship with my authentic self.  The first thing I was asked to do was an assessment of my home based on a number of questions.

Assessment of my home






I feel safe, protected, and nourished in my bedroom.



My bedroom is a haven for my soul.



My dreams are insightful and provide a passage way to my inner realm.



The clothes in my closet reflect who I am and who I desire to be.



I truly relax and feel safe in my bedroom.



I sleep well in my bedroom, and when I wake up in the morning, I am refreshed.



All of the objects in my bedroom give me joy and contribute to my feeling balanced.



I feel energized, healthy, and vital in my kitchen.



Food prepared in my kitchen looks and feels healthy and empowering



My soul feels nourished in my kitchen



I feel creative and get inspired when I prepare food



The energy in my bathroom feels cleansing and healing



The bathroom is a place where I purify and renew myself.



I feel comfortable and safe in my bathroom


Most days yes

When I look in the mirror, I feel good about what I see.

Living Room


My living room is a safe haven for me.



I love or use all the objects in this room.



Friends and family feel great when they are here



My living room is clutter free.



It feels warm and inviting.



My energy goes up with every object in the room.

Dining Room


When I eat it is a pleasant, sensual experience.


Most of the time

I cherish and support my body by eating foods that empower my body and spirit.



I use or love the objects I have stored.



The objects I have stored are used periodically.

General Home


It feels good to approach my front entrance.



The entrance to my home is easily accessible and I use my front door.



Every time I enter my home, I feel welcomed and my energy rises.



My home is clean and cared for.



My plants and animals are healthy and cared for.



I love my home and feel great just being in it



There are beautiful things in my home that make me feel good



My home feels healthy and vibrant



There are very few things that I am “putting up with” in my home environment.



The photographs of people in my home are of people whom I love and cherish and who love and cherish me.



If my home were an exterior representation of me and my life, what would it say about me?

I think it would say warm, loving, simplistic, comfortable.

My Automobile

Does not apply

I love the environment of my vehicle and feel good when I am there



I play radio stations/CDs/tapes that uplift, inspire and inform me.


Does not apply

I feel protected in my vehicle.


Does not apply

I care for my vehicle through periodic maintenance, cleaning and oil changes

My Work


I love my work



I feel creative and inspired when I am at my work



I really enjoy the other people with whom I work.



I am not “putting up with” any person or work situation



I feel no undue pressure, and I have the time to feel productive and joyous



My place of employment is healthy for my body and soul



I am constantly growing and learning new things



I feel appreciated and supported by my boss, coworkers, and employees


Life Question:

  1. Where am I now in my life: health, relationship, finances, career, creativity, mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually?
    Well, healthwise, hmm.  I am not where I would like to be.  aspects of my health are great, but others, well not so much.  I have to lose weight and I have to use my walker more.  It is just easier and less painful to use my wheelchair.  My relationship with Zoe is wonderful.  We will be celebrating our 10 year anniversary this coming December. Whoo hoo! My finances.  Hmm, well I am not where I would like to be either.  i was barely making it before, but since the cutbacks and the resultant 1/3 salary cut, I have to dip into my savings, which are minimal, each month.  Things have been a bit easier since I sold my car, but that money is only going to make it through a few months.  I am picking up a few writing jobs here and there, but I am still struggling.  My career is in limbo at the moment.  I know that my life is in a process of evolution, but I no longer see myself pursuing a teaching career, although I would be interested in a full time position at Brockport.  The writing is going well, but thus far not paying.  My reputation as an editor is beginning to grow and I have already been offered three editing jobs, thanks to Rev Dr. James Evans.  Inspiritual’s readership is increasing as well, and the Creator has sent me a few people to work with, but the interest in the groups is minimal.   I know in time that will change as well. on the other side, my creativity seems to be at an all time high.  I am back to feeling inspired to write.  I am writing poetry again, and my blogs, and have been thinking about a book on multi-sensory spiritual direction. Mentally, I am doing well.  my brain still seems to be sharp and alert.  Emotionally, I am doing well.  The further I go in my own healing process and evolution, the more I am present and the less I am able to be pulled off center. and I feel closer to the Infinite now then I ever have.  And for that I am so grateful.  
  2. Where would I like to be 28 days from now?
    four weeks from now – hmm – I would like to have gained a deeper relationship with myself.  I would like to have seen myself be a bit more proactive about updating my resume and applying for paying jobs.  I would like to see myself using my walker more and being less dependent on my wheelchair.  I would also like to see myself commit to redoing my wardrobe, which I have already done, and finding clothes that look more like my personality and not just find a shirt that fits and buy 15 of them.  I would like to see me have a clearer vision of some of the seeds that have been growing in my spirit.
  3. What steps or leaps do I need to make in my life to be able to get there?
    Getting to most of these places will be much easier then I think in some respects.  One thing I can do is to begin by leaving the wheelchair in the office and using my walker in the morning when my body is the most limber.  Maybe set tiny walking goals that are manageable and achievable. And I can go through my closet and take out those clothes that I have not worn in the last year or do not fit or are not in wearable condition and then commit to buying one outfit a month.  The other option is to self-nominate for What Not to Wear, but I so do not want to do that. I have been thinking about talking to the sales representative at City News and seeing if I could advertise one week a month.  I really cannot afford them every week.  That might help get the word out about what I am doing and go from there. I need to apply for at least 5 positions a week.  I know it is a numbers game, so the more I apply for positions, the greater my chances of getting one.  But before that I need to update my resume and make a customer service one as that is what people seem to be hiring most right now. I think I might also work on a website and a flyer about my editing and send it to local colleges/universities/seminaries and even my alma maters (UGA and CRCDS).  Spiritually, I am doing well, but I do need to spend more quiet time with myself and God.  I think I need to go back to taking early morning showers as this is such an awesome time between me and God.
  4. Where I am I closest to being where I would like to be?
    I am probably closest to being where I want to be mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.
  5. Where I am I farthest from where I want to be?
    I am probably farthest from where I want to be physically, financially, and careerwise.
  6. What does the purpose of my life seem to be?
    The purpose of my life seems to be the Great Mother, the one who nutures, teaches and creates environments through which others can empower themselves.
  7. What would I like my purpose to be?
    I am content with my sense of purpose at this time in my life.
  8. What am I passionate about?
    there are a few things I feel passionate about.  I feel passionate about transforming myself from the inside out.  I believe in the words of Ghandi who challenged us to be the change we want to see in this world. so I am passionate about being more loving, compassionate, peaceful, and present.
  9. What gives me immense joy?
    What gives me immense joy in life is feeding others whether it is through the preparation of food, or through their ingestion of knowledge, or through revelations about themselves that allows them to feed themselves spiritually.
  10. What is my spiritual source?
    The Infinite Presence is the source of my strength and my creativity.  There are times that I feel so in tune with the Spirit. I hear Spirit speaking to me through music, in poetry, in people’s voices, in nature, in images, and in objects.  I can hear the inspiration and wisdom in secular writings and in sacred texts.  I am finding myself increasingly drawn in by writings of ancient philosophers and ancient wisdom traditions.
  11. Is my life consistent or in line with my values?
    For the most part it is.  there are moments that I catch myself judging, but then I make it a commercial and not a documentary.
  12. How do other people see me? how do I see myself?
    I perceive myself as a spiritual, caring, loving, intelligent, and compassionate human being.  I tend to be very humble and grateful for every moment of every day.  one of my prayers is that I never forget what it is like to be the least of thee.  I never want to forget what others are going through and what it is like to have to struggle.  I truly believe I was created to transform this world through unconditional love and non-violence. 

    I was not sure how others perceived me, so I took the plunge and asked some of my friends what they thought  This is what they said
    You are a peaceful spirit. You are funny. You are amazingly articulate and yet speak to people from a people place. I love that you are so willing to listen.
    I like you optimistic personality
    I like that you are non-judging, and that you tell me what I need to hear not what I want to hear. When I ask you about things in life, you always ask questions in return to get to the bottom of the feeling. Often it is frustrating for me, but because I have trust in you as a friend that you are going to give me the advice I need to hear I continue to answer those questions. We often go through life asking those around us questions for them to tell us what we want to hear, and we go to these people to feel better. I have learned from previous discussions with you that I continue to talk to you and ask questions of you because you do not judge, but you also don't bullshit you tell me the "raw truth.”
    What do I like best about you: your spirit, your heart and your honesty
    The thing I like best about you is your sweet nature. You are probably one of the sweetest and even natured people I know. Even when people are being bitches, you know. I would be like where is my machete, you are sweet natured and that is one of the traits I find most endearing.

    So I guess my friends see me in similar ways to how I see myself.  I was recently told that I meet the world with my heart and have ears that can see and eyes that can hear.  That feedback for me was so powerful.  It is what I try to be and so it was nice to hear that it was how this person perceived me as well.
  13. What qualities would I use to describe who I am now?
    I would describe myself as caring, compassionate, articulate, intelligent, loving, and forgiving.
  14. What qualities describe the person I would like to be?
    The one quality I would like to develop is courage.  Sometimes my introversion gets in the way of my speaking my truth in large group settings or even in small groups at times.
  15. What have I been putting off doing?
    exercising, finding a job, getting clothes, working on the external
  16. What do I need to forgive myself/forgive others for?
    I need to forgive myself for allowing others to have abused me in the past and I need to forgive others for having abused me, lied to me, and being disrespectful.
  17. What do I want to do with the remainder of my life?
    I want to become more loving and work to make this world more loving, caring and compassionate place.
  18. What is really important to me?
    my relationship with the Creator, my family, my work and my friends.
  19. What are my goals?
    To develop a deeper relationship with the Creator, myself, and my wife.
  20. I have been blessed with skills/gifts. What are they?  I think I have been blessed with the gifts of teaching, listening and writing. I am also very technical and pick up on how to use new software pretty quickly.  I
  21. Am I using these skills/gifts?
    I think I am

So having completed the assessment of my living space I came to this understanding that there are some spaces in the house that I feel safer and more drawn to then others, like my bedroom, office, guestroom, bathroom and kitchen.  The living room, which we have not yet done anything to, is the place that I feel least comfortable.  It feels least like either of us.  but I think doing the questions is where I learned the most about myself.  Having done a lot of this reflection while working through Stirring the Spiritual Waters, much of it I was already aware of.  The thing that most surprised me, well not really, were the questions about my clothes.  There are a few pieces that I really like and that feel like me, but for the most part, most of my clothes are things that I never wear because I do not feel comfortable in them.  I have a few friends, who are also big gurls, who have the confidence to wear prints and patterns and I have never been able to give myself permission to do that.  last week, I ordered a print dress and top and my friends were so supportive.  One reason for not buying new clothes has been financial, I just can’t afford it.  another reason had to do with me liking to be invisible.  Like anybody is going to miss me in my wheelchair.  I somehow have thought that wearing all black would make me invisible, it doesn’t. so, I decided recently that I need to have confidence and love my body the way it is and dress my body as if I love it. 

I also came to realize that I need to take better care of myself.  I will be there for everyone else and make sure there needs are met, but I have to be intentional about taking care of mine.  I knew this and had begun to be more intentional recently about claiming time each night for me, where I just curl up in bed and read and crochet and have quiet time with myself and the Creator.

I need to look more at why I procrastinate about using my walker and applying for jobs.  What am I really afraid of?  What is the mental clutter that I need to get rid of that keeps me from wanting to succeed in these areas?