Answered Prayers

I have been meaning to sit down and journal about a few things for a few days. So while I am here doing other things on the site, I thought I would also write about answered prayers. It never ceases to amaze me how my prayers are answered. For example, summers are always tight financially as i go months without a paycheck at times. I was blessed this summer to have been given an additional course to teach. However, one week before my first summer paycheck came in, I was short $20 of purchasing another liftline pass so I could travel to campus and teach. I decided that somehow it was all going to be ok and I would find the money to do so, even if i paid in pennies for the next week. A few hours later, I got an email from someone who has owed me money for services rendered a long time ago. She had been underemployed and just began a new job. She wanted me to know she had just put a money order in the mail for $20.  Prayer answered.

Then yesterday, I wrote my blog for the Zenful Kitchen and wrote about how I was going to invest in a good set of kitchen knives to assist me in becoming a better cook.  A few hours later, one of my clients called me and asked me if I would like a set of chef's knives. I asked her if she had read my blog and she said no. I told her to read my blog and she would have my answer.  Prayer answered.