I fell down and _________.

Sometimes I just have to laugh at myself, especially when I do not take my own advice. I am not sure where my brain was Thursday morning. It was obviously not in my head. Zoe and I went to the Public Market to do some shopping. After having a not so great veggie breakfast empanada, I decided to see if any of the little shops that are normally open on Saturdays in this indoor section were open on Thursday and sadly they were not. As I came back out, I failed to look for the curb cut and sailed off the curb in my wheelchair without my seat belt on and went flying landing on my hands and knees. It was one of those in slow motion moments. Before I knew it Zoe and a slew of men were there wanting to help me and make sure I was ok.  Fortunately, I was fine and outside of a few sore areas in my knees and back (the two healthiest parts of my body -- lol) I was fine. The frustrating part was getting back on my feet. I knew what I needed to do. I was able to get my left foot on the ground. However, I had trouble communicating what I needed people to do with my right leg. Ultimately, I was able to communicate what I needed them to do to help me and my right foot was on the ground and I was back in my chair.  So what did I learn from this great adventure. Well, for one I saw the love in Zoe's eyes and it was a blessing to know how after all these years she still loves me. I learned that I need to remember to stay in the present and be mindful of my surroundings. I am not sure what time zone I was in at that moment, but it was not the present. I was reminded that we all fall down. Sometimes we can get back up on our own. However, sometimes we need the help of others. The important thing is that we keep trying and that we do get back up again. And so I did, finished my shopping, and came home, and then left again to teach Queer Theory at SUNY Brockport. I wish I could thank all those who helped me get back up again. Hopefully, someone will be there for them as they were there for me.