Staying Encouraged

Zoe and I have definitely faced our share of challenges this month, but three weeks into this journey we are still standing strong, stronger as a couple, and more solid in our faith then ever.  For that I am so grateful.  Zoe went for the second biopsy yesterday and turns out the "suspicious spot" in her right breast is a cyst.  Heaing that we are just fighting cancer in the one spot, not two was a huge burden off both of our shoulders.  I think what has kept us the both encouraged through our respective battles, her with cancer and me with liftline, is love and faith.  We both know everything is going to be ok; one way or the other everything is going to be ok.  We both believe in the transformative power of the Creator to make a way out of no way.  We both are committed to loving each other through these journeys and only allowing positive energy in our home.  We have also been surrounded by love from people we know and people we have never met and that has at times been overwhelming.  Zoe is not the mushy one in our family, that would be me.  When I share notes of encouragment with her I can feel my heart overflowing and then the tears begin to roll down my face.  What a blessing it is to feel all that love and positive energy.  I know that it is all the love, prayers and positive energy that is changing things in her body and will ultimately bring restoration of full services for me with LiftLine.  Who knows maybe it will also bring me the money for a handcontrolled van so that I can take myself wherever I need to go and not have to be a part of that system again. 

Yesterday I was having a conversation with a counselor friend of mine and she told me she was amazed at how positive I am.  I had to laugh.  So what good was being negative going to do.  My being sad was not going to restore my paratransit services or cure Zoe of her cancer.  So I focus on making each moment as beautiful as I can and living life to its fullest capacity. Doing so allows me to focus my energies on bringing about systemic change for myself and others with LiftLine and for creating new beautiful memories for Zoe and I to share each day. It also allows for me to create new beautiful memories with those I love.

So today and each day I am focused on staying encouraged, staying positive and staying motivated. Life is too precious to waste time being negative or feeling sorry for myself.  Everything we have been and are going through is producing so many blessings in our life.  So rather then focus on what is going wrong, we are both choosing to focus on the gifts, the love and the blessings. 

I can't remember who said that attitude is everything, but I truly believe they are right.