Lies, lies go away and let the love come out and play.

Perhaps it is that we are in this spiritual season in a number of faith traditions, which has led me to this space of cleansing and decluttering in my life. Perhaps it was a conversation with a friend this afternoon, which helped me tap into a lie still floating around in my heart. I guess it had been there for so long that I did not even realize it was still there. It was then I remembered that the lies could only survive if I believe them to be. The minute I stop believing them, the minute I stop acknowledging their existence, is the minute they cease to exist.

The lies in my head come from two places. They come from things I have said about and to myself and they come from what others have said about me. This is when I remember the importance of what Don Miguel Ruiz calls The Fifth Agreement, to be skeptical of everything. I remember his teaching not to believe anything, to be skeptical of all things. So today, I am anointing my heart, mind, and soul so that the lies will pass over my mind and not come into my head. I am allowing the lies in my head to die and rather then have them resurrected, what will come out of my personal tomb is love.

I am choosing to remember that what others may say about me is about them and their story. I have no control over what they say or think. I do have control over whether I choose to allow their lies into my head. At the same time, I do have control about what I say about myself. What I say about me is about me. If I say something negative about myself then it is because I believe it and have made it a part of my agreements. If I love myself, then why am I saying something negative about myself? That lie can only exist in my head if I allow it to exist. So, as I am the author of my story, I am editing all that is not about helping my story to unfold as I want it to out and replacing it with truths which will enable me to continue healing, growing, and transforming in my life.

As I have been sitting here thinking about this, I found myself remembering a children’s poem we used to sing – rain, rain, go away, come again another day. If I were to sing this song as an adult, it would be more like lies, lies go away and let the love come out and play.