Dear God,
It is funny how grace seems to pop into our conversations with people this month even when I am not expecting it to. So many of my conversations with people this month have been about our own experiences of grace and the ways it has happened to us. However, the other night at our Living the Five Agreements group, we began to talk about how we need to be a grace in other people’s lives as well. There is a line from the play The Man of La Mancha, where Don Quizote says "I just wanted to add a measure of grace to the world."
As I have thought about this line I was reminded of a song I once heard at a Mormon church, it was all about the call to add a measure of grace to the world. The song is one that stays in my heart. It asks, “Have I done any good in the world today? Have I helped anyone in need? Have I cheered up the sad and made someone feel glad? If not, I have failed indeed. Has anyone's burden been lighter today because I was willing to share? Have the sick and the weary been helped on their way? When they needed my help was I there?”
These words from others remind me that I am called to be a measure of grace in the world. At the same time, thinking about how I do that and sharing that with the world almost seems egotistical. I am not sure I feel comfortable saying this is how I was a measure of grace today. I am more comfortable talking about how I have experience it, then I practice it. However, answering the questions from this song makes it a bit easier. I do know that each day I try to do some good in the world, not just in my immediate neighborhood or circle of friends. I try to use my words and the meditations of my heart to raise the vibrations in this world. I do try to help those in need, whether through being a listening ear, someone to pray with, help somebody process something or hold their hand while they grieve the loss of someone near and dear. Sometimes I am not even sure I am aware of when I am being a measure of grace, but I know that if everything I say and do comes from a space of love, then it is helping someone somewhere even if I never know about it.
So for now, I am just going to continue to do what I can and practice being a measure of grace in the world as others have been a measure of grace for me.