Dear God,
Today I just want to thank you for helping me starve myself to health. For so long in my life, I have held onto fears which have contributed to health problems and eating issues. While I know you have been waiting for me to be ready to do the healing work, it was not until about a year ago that I was ready to tackle the hardest of the issues and fears.
That is when I had to be like a jaguar and stalk out the single biggest fear underlying my relationship with food. Once I pulled it out, root and all, I was able to starve those fears to depth. As I did so, it gave me new understanding of the Cherokee story about the two wolves. In most aspects of my life, the wolf of love and faith had prevailed. However, when it came to my relationship with food, the wolf of fear had won. It was never one wolf or the other in my entire life, but different wolves at different times and in different phases.
As I continue to feed my faith in every aspect of my life, I continue to starve my fears to death. While there are still moments that the wolf of fear reminds it is still here, for the most part I can tell that it is on its death bed. So each day I am going to continue to feed my faith and starve my fear.
Thank you for always being there for me and always inspiring me to move forward and grow in my own journey.