Dear God,
I am always amazed at how you give me clarity of vision. There are days that I can see the pieces, but not the whole picture and then you led me to a story about putting things together again by Suzy Holbeche
"I am reminded of the story of the teacher who tears to shreds a map of the world and, thinking it an impossible task, gives it to a recalcitrant student to put together. Within ten minutes the boy is back, the task completed. Astonished, the teacher asks him how he did it. The boy replies: When I turned the pieces over, I found a torn-up man. I put him together, and when I looked at the other side the world was whole again."
This wonderful story reminds me that the answer to the world's problems is people like me. Once I make myself whole, my world falls into place as it should be. When I fall apart, my world falls apart. When I am in tune with you then I am also in tune with myself. This story inspired me to write a poem about my relationship with you
In Tune
In tune,
Listening, hearing, seeing, feeling, being
In your presence
Letting you
Weave me, mold me, sand me, repair me, love me
Into wholeness
So that I and
The world
Are whole again.
Love you,