One of Those Days
Yesterday was one of those days
where I found myself constantly
having to stop and think before I said anything
it was one of those days
when I was reminded that nothing in my life
was small or insignificant.
Everything I say or do
has an effect on some element in the universe.
Everything I do or don’t’ do
creates meaning
and so effects everything else
Sometimes it is easier to radiate love
then others.
Some people I want to be with because
we shower each other with reciprocity and love.
Others I just want to radiate love to
from a distance.
Some I can’t get enough time with and others
I say, as a nun taught me,
Go with God, but go.
Sometimes we have to think before we speak or act
because we want to radiate love
but in a way that maintains boundaries
and enables us to all grow and evolve
in the light of the Ultimate
because everything we do or don’t
is significant in the world
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