Brush & Canvas
I love watching artists at work.
They appear to begin with a blank canvas
then with each stroke of the brush
they create a vision
which becomes visible
with each stroke
until it is done
and they have achieved
the work of art they set out to complete.
This is how I see
my relationship with the Ultimate.
I am the canvas
and my creator who stretched my canvas
and prepared it for painting,
begins the process of
bringing the journey and vision
had for me to life.
With each brush of the Ultimate’s stroke,
my journey becomes visible
and comes to life.
I am just the canvas,
what I become
and transform into
happens with each brush stroke.
this process will continue
until my journey here on earth
is complete.
I can only hope that, as a work in progress,
I touch the hearts and minds
of those with whom I interact.
Until I am on display in the gallery
of the Ultimate,
I will be open to evolving
with each stroke on my canvas.
100% our donations go to support our ability to provide low and no cost offerings to those seeking to grow and evolve spiritually.