Spud Lessons
I was going through a bag of potatoes
when I heard my father’s voice
asking me if I remembered how to clean them.
I knew better then to say of course,
because I knew he was there to teach me a lesson,
or at least remind me of one.
I remember the day he taught me
how to clean potatoes.
He used to hate cleaning potatoes,
during the Korean war.
One at a time, he would clean them,
whenever he was on kitchen duty,
which seemed quite often.
His coming back to me was to remind me about
I could be like he used to be,
cleaning them one at a time,
or I could put them all in a tub of some type
and create a washing machine kind of movement,
where the potatoes rubbed against each other,
connecting to,
interacting with,
and cleansing each other.
The potatoes were not cleansed one at a time,
they were transformed as a community.
Perhaps we all need to get in the tub together,
and help each other
grow, evolve and become more
then we can alone.
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