I remember telling my Bubby once,
just once mind you,
that I was bored doing something.
Honestly I don’t remember what it was.
I just remember her saying,
“oh really? Keep doing it then.”
She would make me keep doing it
until I was enjoying what I was doing.
She would always ask me
“Are you enjoying it yet?”
The amazing thing is that
when I persevered and kept at it,
the most mundane task
would become interesting
and take on value.
One day she said to me,
“Do you think God is boring?”
God has never been boring to me,
but our conversation taught me
that every thing I do is about
honoring how I have been blessed.
So daily chores can be interesting,
when I think about them as a blessing.
When I can see the Ultimate in the simplest of things
like being able to wash my hands,
brush my teeth,
go to the bathroom,
dust my furniture,
file my papers,
and the list goes on,
then I can see the importance of what I am doing
and the simple task of keeping my desk clean,
becomes an opportunity to give thanks
for the desk I have,
the room it is in,
the home it is in
and the list goes on.
Dusting is no longer a boring chore,
but a way of giving thanks
as are so many other things in my life.
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