Anyone who knows me well,
knows I spend hours a day,
most of my days,
on the computer.
I use it to teach,
to build my business,
to help others heal,
to read,
to write,
to grade,
to do so many things.
Yet, how often do I give thanks
for the computer,
the phone,
the kindle,
and other forms of technology
which keep me connected
and independent.
Do I say good morning,
good night
or even say thanks or
I love you.
What if I did?
What if I looked at all the technology
in my life and treated it as if it is as
important to me as it is.
What else do I not give thanks for
that serves and supports me?
I sit here,
writing this on Labor Day,
while my technology is laboring for me
and allowing me to labor for others/
It has led me to think about
how I need to do something for it
and show it I care.
Maybe I should think about it
and give them names
and change the way we interface.
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