Now I lay me
Now I lay me down to sleep,
and as I do,
I ask the Ultimate be with me,
silencing all the noise floating through me,
allowing me to hear nothing
but the symphony and the silence
from above.
I ask to be brought to this state
where I release all that binds me here
I open myself up to this state of innocence
I only feel with the one I trust
unconditionally and unfathomably .
Sleep is about me walking with the Ultimate
in a way that is prayerful,
in a place where the words flow to me and through me.
I remember the 20 steps I was given on
how to exegete a scripture
but I never made it past step 3
and then I would be called into this state of sleep.
It was during this time, the wisdom would flow to me,
and then through me
as I wrote down the words
which came from the deepest spaces
and from the one who whispered clearly and loudly
in the sanctity of
my laying me down to sleep.
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