This is Help Whip Cancer month with Pampered Chef. However, when you are married to someone who is a cancer survivor, every month is about cancer prevention and education. When Zoe was going through chemotherapy, finding foods she would eat was the biggest challenge. Everything to her tasted like cardboard. It was so hard to get her eat anything. The greatest blessing during that time was a cookbook I found called the Cancer Fighting Kitchen. In it, the author, explained how I could make the food taste palatable for Zoe. I learned to over salt all her food so that it no longer tasted like cardboard
Sadly, the wisdom I gained from this book is a gift I have shared numerous times with friends who are battling cancer. When a dear friend of mine was recovering from what was to be her first of several battles with cancer, I suggested to her daughter that she add acids like lemon juice and hot sauce to her mom’s food. My friend, who normally does not like hot sauce, could not get enough.
We do what we can to help our loved ones eat when their taste buds make everything taste horrible. Another friend of mine said everything tasted metallic. So I suggested her husband put peanut butter on things. He mixed peanut butter into her spaghetti and meatballs one night and she scarfed it down like crazy. Peanut butter became her best friend and they went through gallons of it, or so I am sure it seemed.
Chemo does more then just kill the cancer cells, it kills the taste buds. Katz’s fast fixes to taste bud troubles helped me and so many of my friends to strengthen our loved ones. Seeing what it does and how it affects the entire family has made me passionate about doing what I can to stop this disease. I lost my uncle, grandmother, aunt-in-law, cousin-in-law, mother-in-law, father, and numerous friends. Helping to whip cancer is personal for me.
In May and October when Pampered Chef provides us a chance to raise funds for the American Cancer Society, I do what I can. I am grateful to be part of a company who works so hard with organizations such as the American Cancer Society to support cancer education and awareness programs. I know none of us can change the world on our own, but together we can make a difference.
How can you join forces with me? Easy! Order one of the five Help Whip Cancer products and Pampered Chef will donate $1 per item. Place your order in my Help Whip Cancer fundraiser and Pampered Chef will donate up to 25% of your purchase and I will be donating my commission. So 40% of your purchase will be donated. Offer to host a party with me and an additional $3 will be donated to the American Cancer Society.
The products are pictured above and you can order them in the fundraising link at