Everything we say and do in our lives is about choice. Our thoughts, words, and behaviors are all actions. It is through these actions that we create our stories, our belief systems, our perceptions of others, and contribute to others engagement in our dream and the dream of the planet, as don Miguel Ruiz argues. . The dream of the planet is “What Toltecs call the combined energetic structure of beliefs, rules and concepts that all the humans on our planet simultaneously dream and project onto our conjoined reality.” (Rosenthal, 2005, p. 321)
Our actions are the manifestation of our intent. Sometimes in our interactions with others we agree. However, that is not always the case. Sometimes in our interactions with others we disagree. Disagreements are unavoidable. Whether we agree with or disagree with someone, what is important in all the actions we take is our intent. Are our thoughts words and behaviors coming from a space of love or from a space of fear? What is our intent? Intent is the “force that life uses to create and manifest everything in the Universe” (Rosenthal, 2005, p. 322). So what are you trying to manifest with your thoughts, words, and behaviors?
It is easy to say that one comes from an intent of love with people we like and love. However, do we always come from a space of love even in those interactions? How about with ourselves? how much harder then is it come from a space of love for those with whom we disagree? when we can master the gift of sending love, light, and positive energy to those with whom we disagree, then we also expand our ability to send this energy to those we love and ourselves.
As we move through our days, may we stay mindful of our intent and the energies we are sending into the universe through our words, thoughts, and behaviors. May we continue to practice mastering living our lives with an intent to always create love in our lives.
Rosenthal, S. A. (2005). The Complete Idiot's Guide to Toltec Wisdom. New York: Alpha.