The Universe has a sense of humor.
You know those times when you say you want to work on X,
then things happen to help you work on X,
just not in the way you had hoped to work on X.
Sometimes it seems like you have lessons to learn,
that you really did not want to work on.
Sometimes it is not the lesson you don’t want to work on,
but the teachers you do not want to work with.
Sometimes it is the people who come into your life
who you least want to work with
but have the most valuable lessons to teach you.
So what if, I looked at what I don’t like in others
and apply it to myself.
Sometimes I see aspects of myself
I did not want to see,
but doing so allows me to learn from others
and make the changes I want or need to make in my own life.
Sometimes, the lessons come how I want them and
sometimes they don’t.
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