Seeing It
How do you do it?, he asked.
Do what?, I asked.
See the presence of Spirit in everything.
What I wanted to ask was
what keeps you from seeing it.
Seeing the gifts, blessings and opportunities
is something my Bubby taught me to do decades ago.
Seeing it,
was like breathing.
Spirit is everywhere and in everything.
If you look for its presence
you will see it.
Sometimes you will find it that which brings you joy,
other times in the challenging times.
You will see the Divine in those you like and love
and those you do not.
You will feel it in the news which brings you joy
and that which makes you ask why and wonder.
Bubby taught me to see the Ultimate
with each of my senses
and to keep looking
deeper and deeper
until I saw the gift.
She taught me to see the blessings
in even the smallest of cookie crumbs,
especially when we would combine them
to make the base of a cheesecake.
Together those crumbs achieved more
then anyone of them could alone.
It enabled me to see it.
Right now I am seeing it
and looking for it
and in some situations seeking it
until I am seeing it
and hoping you are able to see it too.
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