Bless Them
Every morning I write in my gratitude journal
and I give thanks for at least 5 things in my life
I am grateful for/
However, this morning, it dawned on me,
that I never ask for those people, places and things
to be blessed.
There are so many ways and situations,
that my life has taught me wisdom.
My wisdom has come through the good times and the bad,
my wins and my losses,
my illnesses,
that which has bought me joy
and that which has reduced me to tears.
Everything and everyone
I have met on my journey
has helped me to understand myself
and life.
I have been blessed with the opportunity
to sit at the table of the included and the excluded,
the friend and the adversary,
and with my parents and those who call me mom.
So now I begin a new habit of not only giving thanks each day,
but asking the Ultimate
to bless them
for their part in my journey.
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