Judge Not
Judge not, lest ye be judged.
yet how often do we judge.
We judge people’s stories,
and words.
Learning to listen
without evaluating or judging,
is a process which requires
and self-monitoring.
It means we see things
for what they are,
not good or bad, just is.
It’s about letting go
of our need to evaluate,
to see things as good or bad,
or to hold things to a standard.
It’s about the process
of not only releasing the need
to judge others,
but ourselves.
Learning to be non-judgmental
is a process
and part of our journey.
Let’s begin by working on
not judging ourselves
and modeling for others
how to do the same.
100% our donations go to support our ability to provide low and no cost offerings to those seeking to grow and evolve spiritually.