What are you distributing?

A friend of mine was recently talking about the foods available at her local food bank. In every community, there is a food bank where people can receive food to sustain themselves and their family. However, at the same time, each of us in our own ways is a distribution center, a spiritual food bank of sorts. The question is what is on your shelves. We each have gifts, talents, skills, and the capacity to be kind and compassionate, however, where are they. Are they in your private stash for personal consumption or on the shelves of your spiritual distribution center?
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"God Is A DJ"

Over the course of my life, I have heard God referred to in a number of ways, but until this past Saturday night I had never stopped to think about God as a DJ. While I had thought quite a bit about God, I had given little thought to DJ’s. What little I know about DJ’s I can summarize in a few sentences. I know they select and play music for a diversity of audiences and in a diversity of settings. Ok, so maybe I could tell you what I know about DJ’s in one sentence. It was not until I heard Pink’s song, God is a DJ, that I began to think about whether or not I could envision God as my personal DJ. I have to admit I had this moment when I envisioned this huge radiating heart with arms up in a booth with shades on introducing music. I wondered if anybody else had ever envisioned God as a DJ and was amazed at how many images there were of Jesus, Buddha, God, and other spiritual images as DJ’s. None quite looked like mine, but there was something comforting in knowing that others had similar images as I was having.
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