My Joy Journal

One of the things I will be doing over the next 28 days is keeping a joy journal.  At least once a day I will be writing about the joyful, magical or great moments in the day.  I will be journaling about experiences, writings, images, etc.

Thus far today, April 1st the things which have brought me joy are:

  • I love this quote that I found my Rev Dr Martin Luther King, Jr. He once said “You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.” This quote reminded me so much of Jack Canfield’s story about the headlights on a car and how we do not need to see the entire journey, just the 200 feet that the Creator is showing us at that moment.
  • I have had so many wonderful moments thus far this day.  I got this unexpected call from Wegman’s thanking me for paying a compliment to some of their staff.  I had this great conversation with this young woman who works at Target.  She is being trained for a promotion and caught up on life as I had not seen her for a few weeks.  I like her because she is so helpful, but also so optimistic.
  • I had a great conversation with one of my clients and friends who is journeying with me the next 28 days. J
  • Got to spend some quiet time this afternoon curled up in bed reading Tomorrow’s God.