These are my vows to me.

For the last few weeks, I have been spending quite a bit of time reflecting on the agreements I have made about perfection. It has not always been easy, but it has enabled me to release some things I did not know were still part of my agreements. It also enabled me to see how much I have grown, how much I have already discarded, and what I still need to work on. What I had come to realize is that this image of perfection sets me and everyone else up for failure. Once we are domesticated then we are not perfect for others or ourselves. Nobody is perfect in our eyes and we are not even perfect in our own. As I came to think through this, I came to a new understanding of what perfection is for me and that is love.

As I worked to get to this place, I came to realize that on a scale of 1-10 in terms of my being my authentic self, I was probably around an 8, that is assuming 1 is totally inauthentic and 10 is totally authentic. I would give myself an 8 because I know there are still moments when I feel myself not wanting to let people know what I am feeling and I am also aware that there are times I am wearing masks and not even aware of them yet because they have been on for so long.

As I strive to honor who I really am, I have made room in my Book of Law for four new agreements that are honoring who I truly am.

I intend to honor my authentic self by agreeing to express all of what I am thinking in ways that are loving and constructive.

I intend to honor my authentic self by agreeing to be aware of when I am judging others and to examine the old agreements I have made and no longer fit in my life.

I intend to honor my authentic self by agreeing to not allow myself to become part of somebody else’s drama.

I intend to honor my authentic self by agreeing to not assume I know anything to be true about others, or myself and to seek clarification about all things.

These are my vows of commitment to me as I strive to evolve, transform, and become a more authentic self.