With every word I speak.

Dear God,

I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for all you have taught me about hearing how I speak and the intention others hear when I speak to them. One of the things I have come to realize is that I have not always spoken to myself as lovingly as I do know. I used to think it was a good thing that I could speak to people in such a kind way that they did not realize they were bleeding until after I had left. I used to think that was a good thing, but then I realized that the intent behind the kindness was not coming from a space of pure love and compassion.

How could I be loving and compassionate with others, when I was not even being loving and compassionate with myself. So thank you for modeling for me how to be more loving and compassionate with myself. As I have learned to listen to how you communicate with me in a way that made me feel safe, loved, and supported, I came to realize that this is how I needed to speak with myself. I needed to be honest with myself and always speak to myself with caring and compassion.  I remember reading The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz and realizing that I was not always impeccable with my word. There were numerous times that I found myself telling myself lies about what I could not do or be. About the same time, I stumbled upon a blog by Denise Linn, which challenged me to become what she called a Sacred Observer and listen to the words I was using in my life. With each thing I said or did I remember asking myself is that empowering or disempowering. If it was not empowering, then I rephrased it in different language so that I was always communicating with myself in terms that were positive.  The other source, which helped me transform the way I communicated with myself, was starting the complaint free world challenge. It challenged me to live the first agreement more intentionally and focus not only on what I was saying to myself, but on what I was saying to others.

What I have come to realize is that as I have become more loving, caring, and compassionate with the way I speak to myself, I have also changed how I communicate with others. I have also noticed that those who come to me for guidance are more open to hearing and talking with me. People seem to shut down, and I know I did, when I spoke in ways that did not come from a space of caring and compassion. People could hear the love and when I speak to people from a space of love, it opens their hearts and ears to hear the wisdom of Spirit, which flows through our conversation. I hear them in a different way and they hear me in a different way. There is a sacred exchange of being heard as we more actively and intentionally listen to the love, which is being shared.

A friend shared with me this morning that even when I have to share something she does not want to hear, it is sad with so much love and concern that she can hear and receive it. She may have to sit with it for a while, but she knows it was expressed in love.

So thank you for teaching me how to speak and listen with unconditional love and respect. Thank you for giving me the courage to speak honestly and supportively with myself. Thank you for showing me how to hear and speak to others with the same love and compassion with which you speak to me. With every word I speak, I am intentional about radiating your unconditional love for all of us into the world. Your love has the power to bring about transformative change.

