Dancing with the Darkness
I wish I could say I have never been depressed,
faced the darkness in my life,
had to move through the storms,
or encountered any challenges in my life,
but I would be lying.
One thing I have learned in my journey,
is that the journey to the light
requires walking through the darkness.
The journey is not an either or,
but a both and
journey to the light
and peace
which surpasses understanding.
The journey there however,
is never easy
and filled with those moments
that break us,
tear things away from us,
challenge us to
overcome what lies before us
and move through it
over it,
and passed it.
It is never about the darkness,
but how we dance with it,
what we learn from it,
how we allow it to bless us,
and help us grow.
It is not just a dance with the darkness,
but preparation for the master class
with the light.
100% our donations go to support our ability to provide low and no cost offerings to those seeking to grow and evolve spiritually.