Hmm. me be creative in the work place. Lol. You know I really didn’t think I was all that creative until recently when I realized that my just being me is pretty creative. For example, my whole approach to teaching has developed in response to the complaints of my students. It was not grounded in any theories of adult education or learning. It was all about me responding to my “customers” and their complaints. I just saw it as doing good “customer service.” so I started by giving people choices about when to turn assignments in, then it was how much an assignment wa worthy, then it became pick what you want to do, how much it is worth and when you want to turn it in. now, I get the opposite complaint that I give too many choices. So maybe next semester, I will add the option of your standardized homework package. One that I design with fixed dates, percentages, etc. and I love that. I love the creativity and the free flowing nature of my courses and how they are never the same course twice.
Read moreWeek 5, Day 6 – Finding Balance
Lol, so I am excited because tomorrow is one of those days where we are supposed to go somewhere outside and reflect and grow and I can actually do that. Excited about my first outside the house thing of the yearJ. Whoo hoo!
Ok so the thing that is most speaking to me is this schedule to keep balance in my life. I am pretty disciplined; I always say I have to be because I have so many things on my plate. So maintaining that balance between work and play and family and me is important. my work schedule is fairly routine by now and even my social life has gotten pretty routine – hmm, not such a good thing as I think about it, but with liftline it almost has to be as it is amazingly hard to get something without your three days notice L. Ah, but grateful to have the service back. Excited about going to the garden factory in the middle of winter tomorrow. So maybe that is something I can do, select one day a week when I go somewhere, I have never been before in this city and explore.
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