Can we talk?

Sometimes it can be a scary thing when we listen to the things we say to ourselves, never mind each other. When we consciously listen to what we are saying to ourselves, we can catch ourselves slipping into a state of negativity. A space when we begin to lie to ourselves. When we hear someone we love start to say negative and self-deprecating things about themselves, we might jump in and help them to look at the space they are in that is enabling them to speak this way about themselves. However, who does it for us, especially when those thoughts are not coming out of our mouths, but just floating around in the back of our head.
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Recapturing I can

For some this may be easier then others, but can you remember a time when you were young and free enough to think you could do anything. Take a moment and remember that time when you could imagine yourself as whatever you chose to be, you could travel to far off places and accomplish amazing things in the world. One of my favorite films is the movie UP! In part because it captures the imaginary and liberating creativity experienced by Elie and Carl as they formed a secret club and fantasized about traveling to Paradise Falls, somewhere in South America, as part of their fantasy of finding the once famous explorer Charles Muntz and his blimp The Spirit of Adventure.
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A Recipe for Self Love and Growth

It was a quiet Sunday morning. As usual, I arose, prepared the space and myself for our weekly Love and Inspiration gathering. I looked for the music I felt called to play to quiet people’s spirits and bring us into a space of reflection and sharing. I prayed about what reading to share and found myself drawn to one particular piece. It was different then what we normally read and discuss, but I knew it was what I was supposed to read. As we gathered, there was, as usual, a moment of informal chatting with each other. The conversations all seemed to center around food and recipes and as I listened to where people were at, I realized the reading I had been drawn to was perfect for what people were discussing. At the request of those gathered yesterday, I am sharing this recipe with all. I encourage you to gather the ingredients, follow the directions carefully and live this each day of your lives. It comes from a book by Iyanla Van Zant called Until Today.
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