Dear God,
I have been thinking a lot about unity this week and when I feel in sync with myself and others and when I do not. What I have come to realize is that I do not feel in sync with myself when I am doing something that goes against my internal Book of Law. I have come to realize that sometimes it is because I am doing something that I know is not the right thing for me. I am doing something because I feel pressured to do so. For example, recently a client asked me to do something which went against my Book of Law. As much as I always like to support my clients, this request made me feel very uncomfortable and I realized in this situation there could be no unity. I came to the realization that being in unity with you is more important to me than being in unity with another human being, especially when it feels like they are not coming from a space of love.
As much as I would love to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony, as the old Coca Cola song said, I have come to realize that I can only sing in perfect harmony with those who also want to raise the vibrational frequency in this world. If they are not seeking to do so, then I have to rethink our relationship and find a different way of standing in unity with them. That unity might be in agreeing we are not working towards the same goal.
Sometimes, however, I have found that the feeling of not being in sync with my Book of Law is because the laws need to be changed. They may have been amazing laws I agreed to at one point in time of my life. However, I am constantly growing and evolving in my own journey and now you are showing me that I need to remove this law and replace it with one that is more appropriate for the new truths and understandings you have shared with me.
Releasing this law is not always easy. However, I have found that if I give thanks for what it taught me and its presence in my life when I needed it, it makes the transition easier. I have found the same to be true when I have to release a person from my life. They bought gifts to my life for as long as they were in it. When it is time for them to leave, I need to give thanks for those gifts as I release them to be a blessing to someone else. I have to unplug from relationships which contribute to feelings of disunity, more than then contribute to feelings of unity. I can still stand in unity with them, but in a different way and for different reasons. I can still wish them love and light, but I can now do it from a distance.
When I am in unity with myself or with others there is a peace and joy which seems to permeate through me. It defies understanding. Getting there is not always easy, however, there is always a peace in knowing that we are all working together and towards the same goal. There is a feeling of mutual love and support. The feeling brings me back to when I last sang in a choir. The director helped us all find our spots and bring our individual gifts together in a way that allowed us to create something we could not create by ourselves individually. When we did, there was a feeling of unity as we all created something amazingly beautiful. It took hours of practice to get there, but there was always a feeling of peace and joy in the process.
Thank you for allowing me to know more about this practice in my journey. I am so grateful that you work with me to enable me to stay in unity with you, which keeps filled with peace and joy.